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Created for thought leaders and mission-driven organizations that are ready to amplify their visibility with consistent VIDEO CONTENT,
- without draining their time and spirit 

Give me 3-Days and you'll walk away with an entire VIDEO MARKETING PLAN, a professional video, and the courage to talk on camera with confidence!

Diana Castro Video

Map out 12 months of proven content ideas that will get you infront of your ideal audience

Learn systems that keep you consistent without draining your time and spirit  

Get camera ready, with live coaching and create a professional video

Creating videos can be overwhelming. 

And let's say it out loud, being in front of the camera can feel intimidating, right?


If you are like most business owners and leaders I work with, you got into business because you want to make a bigger impact and help more people ...

Well, the reality is that when you are able to package YOU, your message, your vision, 

your "special sauce" in VIDEO FORMAT, you're able to leverage your time and become foundable any time and anywhere...

** and that's what I call GLOBAL IMPACT!!**

Now, the real question is how can you create systems around video marketing so that the process is practical, time-efficient, and intentional. (driven by purpose)


Plus, how do you know that you are doing it right?

There are so many parts to consider...

From what to say, how to find the right title for each video, what to wear, the right video length, the right format... the list is E-N-D-L-E-S-S 😳


This goes without mentioning the technical part... cameras, audio, light, composition... 

 And the big question... DRUM ROLL PLEASE 🥁.

Who has the time to film over, and over, and stay consistent without burnout? 


was created to address all of the above PLUS, to support you on your mission to impact the lifes, hearts, and minds of those that you serve.

Day 1

- Create a content calendar  (12 months) that is aligned with your mission, story, audience and values.

 - Discover your unique KEY WORD "fingerprint" to ensure  "online foundability"

- Learn how to leverage your own story-telling for video content.
- Plus, explore the leverage of PR strategies.

- Get access to all my filming planning templates. 

-Explore how to film your videos with a batch system that leverages time to your favor.

Day 2

- Find out what to say in each video, something I call CONTENT DESIGN.

- Turn your video Ideas into stories that engage, and transmit.

- Learn my unique formula with structure for systems and the freedom for self expression.

- Find your unique VOICE, without scripts,

- Recognize you authenticity and honor your brand's energy in front of the camera. 

Day 3

- Get ready, to show up for you and those that are looking for you.

- Get your professional makeup ON + get dress up for your ON CAMERA coaching session ... 

- Ligts, camera, AND Action! Let's film ONE VIDEO.

- Learn how to speak to camera, with confidence.

-Understand the do's and don't of on-camera content delivery. 

- Get a quick lesson on how to set up your own home studio.

Upcoming dates


8th, 9th, & 10th


23rd, 24th, & 25th


2nd, 3rd, & 4th

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I have been stuck for 3 years trying to understand/create content for my business (proper testimonial coming soon) and in just one day you pulled & inspired me not only to understand BUT to have the ability to create content, for me this is huge and I cant thank you enough!!!!!  

Riguhey Ortiz - Testimonial

Riguhey Ortiz

This program is for you if...

Video feels complicated

You're struggling to find topics for your content.

Video feels time-consuming 

You are struggling with consistency in your marketing

You looking to grow your social media

You are looking to create a Youtube Channel to grow your business. 

You are looking to drive more traffic to your website

You want to leverage VIDEO to reach more people online

My promise to you includes ... 

Walking away with at least 12 months of video content ideas.

Get secret insights on how to present on camera.

Walk away with one Professional video that you can feel proud of and post on your website + social media 🎬

Brake down your videos on 5 easy segments.

Practice your video delivery

and get feedback .

Get your video plan down

and ready to take over the world!

I highly recommend Diana Castro and her team for video marketing. 

She is fantastic and will hold your hand through out the process and will kick but when you need it. We had an awesome experience working with her and her team. She was meant to make videos that impact peoples lives. Attend her trainings and get your video content for the entire year!

Monica Amador

Monica Amador ESQ

Video Content Made Easy 
(Master Class) is for...


Thought Leaders



Consultants with integrity

Interior Designers

Small Businesses with heart


Solopreneurs with a mission

Service-based companies

Functional medicine practitioners

Mission Driven Organizations

What Makes This Master Class So Different?

Well, the truth is that selfishly I have a dream to "take over the world" (my weapon of choice = PURPOSEFUL VIDEO CONTENT).


The idea is to AMPLIFY  the messages and impact of thought leaders, and mission-driven entrepreneurs that are brave enough to share their messages of love, inclusivity, hope, empowerment, financial freedom, self-mastery, compassion, healing, integrity... and well, all the high vibrating forces that elevate humanity. 

I'm on a mission to elevate and support changemakers by helping them overcome their limiting beliefs about "Impostor Syndrome" while giving them the tools and systems for consistent VIDEO CONTENT aka consistent global impact so that their messages impact the world with abundance and prosperity.

The world needs brave leaders to step up their game. I want to be that partner that helps them PACKAGE THEIR MISSION AND MESSAGE IN VIDEO FORMAT.

I believe that VIDEO has the power to incept ideas - and we need to use this superpower TO DO GOOD IN THE WORLD - purposefully and mindfully.

Whether you’re looking to get video strategies or to hire a production team to film and edit your videos for you, or, you want to film your videos on your own — this program gives you the foundation.

I will help you discover how to package your special sauce and honor your purpose by reaching more people with the power of VIDEO.


You have a responsibility with the gifts, talents, and spark that was given to you. SHARE IT!

Remember that we live in a time where "Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined." (G2 Crowd) And your message needs to be seen by those that need you. 

Implement our system and you will become a VIDEO CONTENT MAKING MACHINE without becoming a prisoner of social media.

Diana Castro Video

Your Investment...

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Discover how creating consistent video content: has CHANGED THE GAME for our clients.

From 100 YouTube subscribers to 100,000 subscribers.

Maria Marin (Dec 2016) I received the Si
Alicia Testimonial
Testimonial - Game Plan for Game Changers Level 1
Rodrigo  Flamenco- Testimonial - Game Plan for Game Changers

Benefits of this Master Class!

- Learn how to package your individual brand in short and consumable video format. 


- Learn how to create content buckets.

- Learn how your individual brand should look and feel on video. 


- Learn the system PR companies use to pitch content to big media and how you can hack that system. 


- Learn how to create evergreen content. 

- Learn about the #3 video formats that are simple, cost-effective + multi-purpose. 

- End uncertainty when creating content, not only video content but all kind of content.


- Take away the guesswork on naming your videos.


- Learn how to format your videos.

- Get on camera coaching

- Learn how to speak to camera without a script

- Connect your story, mission, and brand values to your video content

- Get a professional video for your about page. 

- Create a Video Content Calendar with proven Keyword topics that optimize your "findability" Online.

- Experience a filming day with professional makeup and inside a professional studio. 

- Learn the basics on how to position your camera, lights, and audio for a home studio. 

- Experience a FOCUS group  - where you get the feedback of people that are in your same video journey.

- You will also develop a NON - NEGOTIABLES video plan that will generate more speaking engagements and/or other exposure opportunities. 

Last, you’ll learn to dominate one of the most tedious and time-consuming parts of your business: Feeding social platforms consistently. 


People are looking for YOU online, are you making it easy for them to find you? 



How to post your video content.  using FREE PLATFORMS and

Paid Platform Recommendations.  

Valued at $97

You will receive it FREE

If you are considering video for your business this

Master Class must be your first step.

Below are some statistics for the analitic side of your brain... 🤔

6 out of 10 people would rather watch online videos than television. (Google

75% of all video plays are on mobile devices. (eMarketer)

Mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year. (Insivia)

78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. (HubSpot)

72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. (HubSpot)

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. (Insivia)

Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on YouTube. (YouTube)

92% of users watching video on mobile will share it with others. (Wordstream)

As a visual species, we find videos more engaging, more memorable, and more attractive than any other type of content out there.

Video is no longer a nice option – it’s a necessity. If you want to increase conversion and exposure, a video marketing strategy is the only way to go.

Social video gets shared 1200% more than text and images combined. (Wordstream)

Users are 64% more likely to make a purchase or enquiry if a website has video. (comScore)

90% of shoppers found video helpful during buying decisions online (comScore)

The chance of a page one listing on Google increases by 53 times with a video (Forrester Research)

81% of businesses prefer to use Facebook for their video marketing. (Buffer)

A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. (Forrester Research)

Emails with explainer videos increased clickthrough-rates by 200% – 300%. (Forrester Research)

Video in email marketing campaigns increased clickthrough-rates by 96% (Implix)

Learn how to create video content with strategy, systems, and simplicity!

Video Content Made Easy (Master Class)

is a powerful explosion of ideas & strategies that connect the dots between your story, your marketing, your mission, your services, and your value that is then translated

into video content.

Designed for leaders and game-changers who want to use VIDEO effortlessly and consistently to grow their brand, increase visibility, build trust and grow a meaningful and profitable business.

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